A fantastic post on Owl Things Considered’s blog site about owls in commercials. http://owlthingsconsidered.org/category/owl-commercials/. Way to go!
A fantastic post on Owl Things Considered’s blog site about owls in commercials. http://owlthingsconsidered.org/category/owl-commercials/. Way to go!
Today we reached out to Darktrace, who have used a great image of a jaguar staring down a cobra in their cyber security advertising. We encouraged them to support jaguar conservation.
An exciting step, our first introductory video is now available at https://youtu.be/sC3MsSPrRiA
My first editing effort, and a lot of learning involved. But I had fun, and more videos and other outreach are coming. Exciting times.
Like our Image Wild page on Facebook, under http://www.facebook.com/imagewildinc. There we will post updates on advertisers who use wildlife in their work, Image Wild activities, and news.
On July 18, Image Wild was designated a 501(c)3 non-profit organization by the US Internal Revenue Service. This an exciting milestone for Image Wild. Donations are now tax deductible, and we can apply to foundations that require that status.
Image Wild is Incorporated
On July 10, 2016, Image Wild was incorporated. This is an exciting step, moving forward an idea I have had for many years. On the 13th, I submitted a form to the Internal Revenue Service requesting recognition as a 501(3)c non-profit organization. That is being reviewed. To echo beginnings, I will use as media the first poster to feature Smokey Bear. As an ecologist I have mixed feelings about the decades of fire suppression that Smokey promoted, but his influence cannot be underestimated.