Have you seen an Ad?

If you have seen an ad using wildlife, let us know.  We will research its use, and see how we might help connect the business with people in conservation.

Your Name (optional)

Your Email (optional)


Your Message. Please briefly describe the ad, the use of wildlife, and where you saw the ad, with enough detail to let us find the advertisement.


Image Wild encourages businesses to suppose conservation organizations directly. We are not involved in those financial transactions. Instead, we seek support separately for our work. If you believe in the work we do, consider donating.

What are the financial needs of Image Wild?

      Expenses for Image Wild include communications and printing costs, web site support, and other legal and business expenses. Ultimately, we plan to hire students from Colorado State University to assist us in our work and provide them with valuable experience.

Is Image Wild a 501(3)c non-profit?

      Yes, Image Wild was recognized on July 18, 2016 as a 501(c)3 organization by the US Internal Revenue Service. Donations made to support Image Wild activities are tax deductible.

Donate to Image Wild using Paypall